Hi everyone! I was so excited for my first Independence Day, especially the fireworks, my brain decided to have its own pre-show. After a long term EEG Mon-Tues, I was officially diagnosed with infantile spasms. These are seizures (different from my regular ones) that cause my entire brain to chaotically misfire (kind of like letting off several high voltage fireworks all at once) over and over again for several minutes.
After checking with several of my specialists, tonight I’ll be starting a specific treatment plan to hopefully make my infantile spasms go away over time. Unfortunately, the “temporary” side effects are not so fun (rapid weight gain (get ready for even more rollie-pollie goodness!), super low immunity, high irritability, etc.). Due to this, my original summer plans have been slightly altered and I’ll have to hibernate again for awhile.
For now, I’m focusing on adjusting to my new meds so I can go home and work on getting better. To pass the time though, I’ve been making friends with all the hospital staff, listening to music, playing with my toys, and catching up on some light reading. 😉 Thank you for all your love, thoughts, and prayers. Wishing everyone a happy and safe 4th of July! 🎆
Love Always,