I’m free! I was officially discharged yesterday afternoon and got to sleep in my own bed. Well, let’s be honest, I actually enjoyed sleeping in my mommy and daddy’s bed! I was not a happy camper due to teething, my new helmet, and the heat. However, today I’m feeling better just relaxing at home, enjoying cold ❄ pacifiers, and beating the heat 🌞🌡 in front of poweful fans.
I think my new medicine is working! Slowly I’m beginning to act more like myself (talkative, smiling, and observant). My infantile spasms caused me to regress, so I’m hoping I can regain my previous successes. In order to know if the medicine is really working though, I have to go back to the hospital on Monday for another overnight EEG. If they can see that my brain is no longer having it’s own spontanius intense firework shows, I can start tapering off my special medicine. If I don’t relapse, I only need about 6 more weeks of shots and hibernation. My finger are crossed since I’d love to enjoy some real summer fun before cold and flu season starts again. 😎
As always, my parents and I truly appreciate all of your love, support, thoughts, and prayers. Please enjoy some summer fun for me! 😁