Rio, Here I Come!

Watch out Michael Phelps! I’ve been following a strict training program (urology exam, follow up ECHO, chest X-ray, CO2 test, hearing test, car seat challenge (definitely not my favorite but I passed!), etc.) the last few days. I’m now finally breathing on my own and recovering from my heart rate and O2 dips all by myself. There is a rumor I might actually get a break from training and go home this evening…that would be the best present for my one month old birthday! I’ll keep you posted!

– Hendrix

4 Weeks & Counting

I’m officially 4 weeks old, went almost 24 hours without my heart rate dipping, and finally made it to 6 pounds today! The doctors are still trying to figure me out but I like to keep them guessing. My CO2 levels continue to be a bit high and they aren’t sure why yet. Tomorrow the pulmonary specialist will hopefully decide if I need to have another airway scope, but more in depth. My parents have learned how to use my new at home feeding pump and are continuing to take steps in preparation for my homecoming. I’m hoping I can actually blow this joint in the next week or two! Thank you for all of your love and support!

– Hendrix

P.S. Thank you Auntie Jaime for cuddling with me yesterday!

Manic Monday

I’m breathing easy without my nasal cannula! Fingers crossed I’m able to stay cannula free without too many heart rate and O2 saturation dips. After all my spa services last week, I was cleared of seizures for now (Woohoo!) but had a Manic Monday in order to check a few more things off my list before being able to go home. Today, I had an airway scope (due to my sleep study showing obstructive sleep apnea) and completed a dye check for kidney reflux (I have it on one side). I’m hoping for a quiet and uneventful week so I can go home soon!
