Nip Tuck

Since I’ve spent my entire life in the OC, I figured it was time for a little upgrade…I think I deserve it! 😊 I was debating between peck implants and a baby booty lift. I thought I had my mind made up, but my parents convinced me to get a new forehead. The positives…well, I’m going to look awesome, and now my brain can grow without restriction. The negative side is that I will have to wear a helmet for up to a year. But hey, that just means I can kick start my bike riding career early! 🚴

Earlier this morning, I officially took the plunge and had my forehead surgery. I swear I can feel my brain growing already! (or maybe that’s the swelling 😕) The neurosurgeon told my parents it went really well after the PICC team used their ultrasound machine to start my IV. I think they originally thought I was a dartboard though. After 19 pokes, they finally hit a bullseye.

I am now peacefully recovering while my medical team is closely monitoring my breathing and swelling. I’m looking forward to getting out of here and researching my stylish helmet design options! 👷👲👳👮👼🎩👒🎓👑

Thank you for all of your extra thoughts and prayers!

Hendrix (and family)

P.S. Check out my war paint below!