The second half of October was filled with more “firsts” and flew by so fast!
✨I enjoyed…
– my first wedding (Congrats TJ and Ronna!)
– went to my first real drinking establishment for my first fundraiser appearance (I was the “baby in the bar” and loved meeting everyone, but the noise level was a bit much for my little ears and it was past my bedtime! – a BIG thank you to ALL those involved, especially Grunions, the organizer Ryan and his family, and my Daddy’s college soccer family)
– experienced my first power outage (who knew the dark could be so fun?)
– wore my first Halloween costume (pictures below)
– had my first play dates with my BFF Nathan
– completed my first outpatient sleepover at CHOC for my second sleep study (no real sleep was actually happening though due to all the wires and annoying nasal cannula/sensors)
– and celebrated my first World Series win…GO CUBBIES!!! (my Grandpa Coffey and Chicago family are so excited!)
✨Medical Update:
– I’m still a mystery man! Genetics is working on approval for the next round of testing and hoping to start the lengthy process before the end of the year.
– My parents are in the middle of meeting the requirements for booking a consultation with a neurosurgeon at CHLA for my skull surgery (per a recommendation from a top neurosurgeon at Seattle Children’s).
– I started PT and OT. I know my Daddy is a PT but he usually works with bigger people. He is helping me with all my home exercises though!
– I’ve been breathing a lot better on my own and hope to give my monitor back soon.
– Next week I’m attempting my second diagnostic hearing test. Hopefully, I will be a “quiet” sleeper so they can collect all the information needed and I don’t have to go back a third time. Fingers crossed!
✨I’m very thankful for all of your thoughts and prayers! I can feel your love and support and know they are helping me to continue to grow and heal. 💖
💞Love Always,